
2022-08-06 16:52:33

1、lay the table/lay breakfast
lay the table 单纯指“摆桌子(准备吃饭)”,可用于早、中、晚三餐的任何一餐的场合,
如:I only laid the table. 我只是摆好了餐桌(准备吃饭)。
而“lay breakfast”则很明确地表示“摆桌子(吃早餐)”。
如:I have laid lunch. 我已经摆好午餐的桌子了。
He has laid supper. 他已把晚餐的桌子摆好了。
2、lend to 引导;引起,造成,导致
①Labour leads to happiness. 劳动使人幸福。
②Where does this road lead to? 这条路通向哪里?

His carelessness led to his failre. 他的粗心导致失败。


Too much work or too little rest often leads to illness. 过度工作或很少休息经常导致疾病。
Difference of opinion led to a heated argument. 意见分歧导致了激烈的争论。
lecture 多指学术方面的“演讲,报告”;
而speech 指在公众面前做的经过准备的较正式的“演说,发言”;
talk 是一般性的“讲话,谈话”;
report 指正式的“报告,报道,汇报”。
①give a lecture         ②attend a lecture       ③make a speech          ④give a talk
⑤receive a report       ⑥make a report         ⑦send in a report       ⑧a school report
key:①作演讲  ②出席演讲会  ③发表演说  ④发表讲话
⑤收到报告  ⑥作报告  ⑦呈交报告  ⑧成绩报告单

  1 We’ll be traveling by ________ camel across the desert before we go to ________university.
  A. /; the B. the; / C. /; / D. the; a
  2 Richard Powers’ The Echo Maker, ____ novel set in ___ small town of Kearney, Nebraska, US, has won the 57th US National Book Award fo r fiction.
  A. the; the B. a; a; C. a; the D. /; the
  3 He is in ____ control of the company. I mean, the company is in ____ control of him.
  A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /
  4 Now that Tom hates_______ school, the school becomes_______ prison to him
  A. a;a B. /;a C. a;/ D. /;/
  5 In _____ preparation for the launching of Shenzhou Ⅶ, scientists need ______ knowledge of weather changes.
  A.the; the B.a; ∕ C.∕; a D.the; a
  1.C【解析】by +camel 表示乘坐交通工具,中间不用任何冠词;go to university 上大学 固定搭配。
  2 C【解析】一本小说,可数;特指某个城镇,用定冠词。
  3 B【解析】in control of  人控制某事某物;in the control of 某事某物在人的控制下。
  4 B【解析】学校专有名词这个时候不加,泛指;像一座监狱,可数名词。
  5 C【解析】in preparation for 固定搭配;a knowledge of 某一门知识,这个时候可数。



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