
2024-02-05 13:59:16

1. Baggage 行李
2. Furniture 家具
3. Luggage 行李
4. Merchandise 商品
5. Meat 肉类
6. Grain 谷物
7. Fish 鱼类
8. Information 信息
9. Money 金钱
10. Bread 面食

1. Family 家庭
2. Group 小组
3. Team 队
4. Class 班级
5. Audience 观众
6. Committee 委员会
7. Government 政府
8. Committee 委员会
9. Army 军队
10. Airforce 空军
The family is the basic unit of society.家庭是构成社会的基本单位。
My family are going on a trip this summer.我们全家今年夏天要外出旅游。

1.A cool shower wakes up the body and b_________ circulation. 
2.These drawings will form the __________(基础部分)of the exhibition. 
3.Some children u_________ a complete transformation when they become teenagers.
4.Chinese government has a very __________(宽容的) attitude towards various religions. 
5.Black communities spoke up to d_________ the rights of all people of color. 
6.We aim to help you move house with minimum d_________ to yourself. 
7.After days of heavy snow storm, a m_________ of snow and rocks falling down the mountain.
8.The organization will not be able to establish a _________(连续的) track record over time. 
9.Most people said that pay was their main m__________ for working.
10.She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the o_________ effect.

1.They're putting up new hotels _________(boost) tourism in the area. 
2.The two approaches are ___________(base) very similar.
3.Sometimes her parents pushes her too far which is not_________(tolerate). 
4.Several coastal cities ________(undergo) massive changes over the last decade.
5.She was a highly ________(motivate) student and not intending to rush into any situations that might upset her studies. 
6.We all know how important this is, but few people do it __________(consistent). 
7.The Redskins' offense is stronger than their __________(defend). 
8.Frank had been struck down by a _________(mass) heart attack. 
9.Many people fear change because they do not like the old ways ________(disrupt). 
10.Those scientists expressed strong _________(opposite) to the plans.
11.He faces the _________(tough) test of his leadership so far.
12.The house is in an elevated position, _________(overlook) the town. 



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